Following the last minute cancellation by the SS pig roast provider, Squire Teflon stepped in at…
Victory all round!
Now the facade has come down on any pretence of actually working together to deliver yesterday’s…
Festive Fun Finally Finishes
Yes, that’s right. After all the build-up and anticipation Smalltown’s joint Grand Christmas blah, blah, blah…
Fears Squire is becoming absent minded
Word has reached SomersetClive that Squire Teflon’s shiny coating has once again protected him from being…
Cllr. Squire Teflon Disowned by SaD Council Clerk
News reaches SomersetClive that Cllr. Squire Teflon was disowned at the start of the week by…
Media Tycoon writes Bells
Smalltown’s Media Tycoon, Mike Newell, is bidding for a job with SomersetClive, by publishing non-stories, rather…
Smalltown Shops declare war
Revelling in its new found position as the mouthpiece of Squire Teflon and his powerful close-friend…
Sighting of the Secret Smalltown Sign?
SomersetClive has been informed of a possible sighting of the missing Smalltown town sign. Regular readers…
Festive Festivities Fury Fuels Faustian Fun
The Smalltown Chamber of Trade and Smalltown Shops have given up all pretence of working together…
Royal Memories Sought
Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council are appealing for residents to scour their cupboards and attics to…