Strange symbols spotted on beach

Residents of Smalltown have been phoning the SomersetClive office in their dozens to report strange patterns…

Residents ‘baffled’

Residents in Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) have been questioning why an All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council authorised…

Smalltown Beach “very busy”

Smalltown Beach was described as “very busy” by a man who went for a paddle in…

Smalltown Beach tops the list

Smalltown Beach is famous for its long stretches of golden sand and mud which run from…

Start of Open Season declared

This weekend saw the start of the Open Season for Idiots in Bream. Always a popular…

Smalltown hits the headlines

Smalltown has hit the national news again. Slow on the heels of news which ranked Smalltown…

Smalltown Beach very busy

Smalltown Beach saw the busiest days of the year so far over the last few days…

Plans for new ‘Festival-Which-Isn’t’ revealed

The All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council has revealed that a new ‘Festival-Which-Isn’t’ to celebrate the area’s coastline…

Impressive beach art revealed

Renowned beach artist Sidney Bouquet has revealed his latest work of art during a visit to…

Mayor hits back at survey

Dictator Dullard has confirmed that she has asked consumer magazine WhoWhatWhere? to hand over the names…