ANYUSCC install deterrent

The All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council has this week installed hundreds of tin foil pyramids around the…

Man celebrates lottery win!

A man, who lives in an undisclosed location somewhere in Somerset, but probably not Smalltown or…

Smalltown Shaking Office set for Sort Out

Staff at Smalltown Shaking Office have confirmed that its Customer Facing Shaking Desk could soon close…

Cafe to hold English Nationalist afternoon

Mosley’s Cafe in Smalltown Main Street will be holding a unique English history and heritage afternoon…

Search for oil to start soon

Easton-under-Water’s quest to search for oil at the site of the derelict swimming pool on the…

The Bonfire of the vanities

The Smalltown & Dullbridge Disaster Emergency Response (SaDDER) report into the recent fire at Cllr Trolley’s…