Smalltown Beach very busy

Busy scenes at Smalltown Beach

Smalltown Beach saw the busiest days of the year so far over the last few days as a glimpse of the sun brought visitors out in their dozens.

At least 27 people were seen on the beach with some building sandcastles, whilst others paddled or swam in the sewage-infested water.

There were also queues for ice creams and buckets and spades at local shops, as people did all the things that people normally do when they go to the beach. In fact this is what is known as a ‘non-story’ but we are short of real news so it will fill some space.

SomersetClive contacted the Smalltown Manager of Usefulness and Tourism (SMUT), Ivor BiggPockett, for comment but a spokesperson for the Smalltown Office for the Beach (SOB) told us “He’s not here. He doesn’t work weekends, because that’s our busiest time.”

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