Council Tax Scam Warning Issued

Residents in Smalltown and Dullbridge have been warned that scammers posing as Councillors have been targeting people.

The scammers have been cold phone calling local people claiming they are from Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council. People answering the calls are being told that their Council Tax has risen by seven percent and that the money most definitely isn’t desperately needed to fund the White Elephant Enclosure, however a council spokesperson has this week warned residents that they are being duped.

The spokesperson says “We’ve had reports of customers receiving calls from someone saying they’re from our council and that the White Elephant Enclosure is a roaring success and is not the reason why we had to impose such a massive increase in Council Tax.

We wouldn’t cold call residents about the White Elephant Enclosure, because it is entirely possible that residents may tell us exactly what they think of spending so much money on such a massive failure. We don’t want to hear that and would prefer to listen to the views of the 160 people who actually use the venue.”

Residents are reminded that, unless they have something positive to say about SaDTC spending close to £1 million on the WEE, they are to keep quiet.

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