Smalltown Beach “very busy”

Smalltown Beach was described as “very busy” by a man who went for a paddle in…

Start of Open Season declared

This weekend saw the start of the Open Season for Idiots in Bream. Always a popular…

Jelly washed up on beach

Residents in Smalltown, Barrow and Bream have been warned to be on the lookout for mounds…

Busy time for rescuers

It was another busy Bank Holiday weekend for all three rescue services in Smalltown, as they…

Impressive beach art revealed

Renowned beach artist Sidney Bouquet has revealed his latest work of art during a visit to…

First competitor goes for the win

The first round of the annual Smalltown Area Stuck-in-the-Mud Meet took place in Bream on Sunday,…

Chernobyl-by-Sea Brown Envelopes

Chernobyl-by-Sea Power Station has come to am agreement with the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council to hand…

Bream hits the headlines

The village of Bream, near Smalltown, has featured heavily in the national media this week after…

Washed up seal

A seal was sadly found deceased on Bream beach on Saturday. Sadgebore’s beachwarden found the mammal…

Death of Bream?

Residents and business owners in Bream have reacted angrily to the plans for Chernobyl-by-Sea to take…