WEE chance lost

Under new proposals put forward by Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council the White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee looks set to be scrapped and replaced by the Smalltown and Dullbridge Never Ending Stupid Spending (SaDNESS) Committee.

SaDNESS will have responsibility for all liabilities and millstones in the parish, including the WEE, the World’s Most Expensive Christmas Trees, the Festival of Bangs and Flashes, and any other frivolous and ridiculous ideas SaD TC can dream up to fritter away funds and increase Council Tax.

Squire Teflon is hoping to be voted in as Chair of the SaDNESS committee, which means that any resident clinging to the hope that the WEE would one day be less of a drain on finances is set to be sorely disappointed, as nothing must come between the Squire and his WEE. With the Squire in charge the never ending stupid spending will increase and residents can look forward to the WEE receiving another million pounds in subsidies over the next five years, to the detriment of the rest of Smalltown and Dullbridge.

The dream of the many residents who had put their faith in the BeFuddled Party at the last election, hoping that they would see sense and find a more efficient way to run the WEE, now lie shattered into a million pieces. The BeFuddleds had the chance to put things right and blew it.

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