Residents invited on journey

The Same Old Smalltown group, which evolved from the Task Force for Economic and Tourism Advantage…

SOS reveal website

The Same Old Smalltown group, which evolved from the Task Force for Economic and Tourism Advantage…

Town Bored ‘too boring’

SomersetClive learns that the All-New-Yet-Doomed-Upon-Debut (ANYDUD) Smalltown Town Bored might have held its first meeting recently.…

Barracuda bores

Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Councillor Banish Barracuda recently gave an update to members of the Town…

Barracuda gives FuTILE update

Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Councillor Banish Barracuda recently gave an update to members of the Town…

Residents invited to talk about Smalltown

A new Town Bored of local residents and businesses is to be formed in Smalltown to…

50,000 ways to spend money

Business owners, Councillors and other members of the Funding Taskforce to Inject Life into the Economy…