SOS reveal website

The Same Old Smalltown group, which evolved from the Task Force for Economic and Tourism Advantage (TaFFETA), via the Funding Taskforce to Inject Life into the Economy (FuTILE), and the Town Bored, before choosing the SOS moniker, has unveiled a new website, which highlights the talents of the group members who will be coming up with ideas for improving Smalltown.

Chair of the group, Ruth Accrington-Stanley, is a resident of Smalltown and stresses that she is ‘not a councillor‘, but is instead one of the organisers of Pride – a Really Unique and Diverse Event (PRUDE). Ms Accrington-Stanley is joined by Squire Teflon’s arch nemesis Business Tycoon Lex Turkey, Cheese Festival and PRUDE organiser Margot Farmhouse-Kitchener, and Banish Barracuda, who most definitely is a Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Councillor.

Membership of the group was open to residents and business owners in Smalltown, however due to what can only be a lack of interest, two group members hail from other villages in the county of Somerset, which leaves them well-placed to know exactly what Smalltown needs.

Whilst Lex Turkey has been involved in every single previous attempt to breathe life into Smalltown, the rest of the group is made up of people who have no idea what has gone on before, as most of them are newer residents of the town and are therefore unlikely to know of the frustrations previously encountered.

Other places in the SOS group include a member from the Smalltown Chamber of Trade (SCOT), who will represent business owners in the town.

All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Councillor Squire Teflon, together with either his close-friend and employer Mistress Bones or Lady Brassy from the practically-defunct Smalltown Shops (SS) group are also members and will be representing their own interests.

One reason that previous attempts have failed has been due to Squire Teflon’s insistence that any available money be siphoned off and redirected to improve the White Elephant Enclosure. Having had sight of applications to join the group before members were chosen, the Squire has made sure that at least two members have previous experience of using the WEE and he will be hoping that they will also support plans to use any money obtained for the WEE.

The SOS will be putting on hi-viz vests this weekend and will hit the streets of Smalltown to look for things that need improvement. They will also be asking anyone who can’t run very fast for their ideas and suggestions. You have been warned.

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