Strike continues. Editor leans heavily on new employee

As tthe strike by members of SCANDALOUS (SomersetClive Against News Detailing All the Lies and OUtrageous…

Second time lucky?

Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council Town Unimprovements Committee are tonight due to discuss an application…

Squire: “I love BeFuddleds”

Last Thursday, Squire Teflon entertained the residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge after taking advantage of a…

Squire shares opinion of residents

Squire Teflon shared his opinion of residents in Smalltown and Dullbridge last night. Taking to social…

Squire issues appeal

Squire Teflon has contacted SomersetClive asking for our help with a tricky problem. Speaking exclusively to…

Give ‘im Enough Rope

Squire Teflon found himself a bit hot under the collar recently after he falsely accused Former…

Mount Teflon erupts

The eruption of Mount Teflon, which began on Wednesday night and continued to rumble yesterday, saw…

Just when you thought it was safe

Squire Teflon celebrated the success of his latest ploy to make the BeFuddled-controlled Smalltown and Dullbridge…

Squire censors critics. AGAIN

Squire Teflon has stepped up his campaign to censor residents who dare to question his involvement…

Squire celebrates a win!

The recent Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council Finance and Misappropriation Committee meeting saw Squire Teflon…