Town Bored ‘too boring’

SomersetClive learns that the All-New-Yet-Doomed-Upon-Debut (ANYDUD) Smalltown Town Bored might have held its first meeting recently.

Regular readers of SomersetClive will recall that the idea of the Town Bored emanates from the The Task Force for Economic and Tourism Advantage (TaFFETA) – a group of Councillors, Council Officers, local Business Leaders and Retail Experts – convened by the now-defunct Sadgebore District Council. The Retail Experts concluded that the decline of the Smalltown Business District was down to a lack of interest and investment from Sadgebore.

This conclusion was swiftly brushed under the carpet and a new working group was formed – the Funding Taskforce to Inject Life into the Economy (FuTILE), a group of Councillors, Council Officers, local Business Leaders and Retail Experts – FuTILE held a workshop in the Spring and concluded that what was really needed to see improvements in Smalltown was a Town Bored.

Interested parties were invited to apply to be included on the Bored, with the selection process managing to appoint Councillors, Council Officers, local Business Leaders and Retail Experts, with the addition of three residents, three representatives for Arts and Culture, and a youth. Also included is the Smalltown Administration Guru who will take notes. Adding up to a total of 20 possible Town Bored members, however only 17 people passed the Entrance Exam. Squire Teflon bragged at a Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council meeting that his views about members had been sought.

The first job of the Town Bored was to appoint a chairperson. SomersetClive can imagine that Squire Teflon, having gained a position on the Bored as the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council representative would sneakily propose Town Council representative Cllr Banish Barracuda for the role, no doubt hoping that when it all falls apart the BeFuddleds will get the blame.

SomersetClive learns that Cllr Barracuda might be wising up to the Squire’s tricks, since the ANYDUD Town Bored appointed Ruth Accrington-Stanley of Pride – a Really Unique and Diverse Event (PRUDE) to the role.

The focus of the ANYDUD Town Bored will be to come up with ideas and plans to improve Smalltown Town centre. A novel idea which most definitely hasn’t been tried numerous times before. An early improvement might be better communication about what the Bored is doing otherwise it will be another DUD.

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