Cllr. Squire Teflon Disowned by SaD Council Clerk

Firing Squad

News reaches SomersetClive that Cllr. Squire Teflon was disowned at the start of the week by the Clerk of the Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council.

In the regular meetings with Somerset Chamber of Trade and the Smalltown Shops group, SS officer Cllr. Squire Teflon pushed through decisions favouring the SS throughout their meetings, claiming that he was representing SaDTC and they were financing the events.

It seems Cllr. Teflon fully believed this until only the past weekend when the SaD Clerk informed him that he was on his own and if the events by SS or SCOT failed it would be him in the firing line on his own. The SaD council had asked for volunteer councillors to volunteer their time to champion the causes of those they occasionally share a pillow with and not for volunteers to represent the council.

A spokesperson for SaD Council added “These two events are partially funded by SaD Town Council but otherwise we have nothing to do with it, apart from our money and our insistence that our logo is all over the winning event. I hereby dissociate the SaD Council from Cllr. Teflon until I know that these two rival groups don’t cock the whole thing up. I’m really hopeful that the SS win the battle on Saturday as I have a fiver on them in the wrestling match at Ignite Smalltown.”

When you go to print after the event don’t forget to tell everyone that SaD Council money has gone to these two competitors, whoever wins we backed the winner and we want our logo to be in the pictures!”

A Smalltown Busybody said “I hope they don’t have fireworks at Ignite Smalltown because my pet spider is scared enough as it is from Mr Busybody’s snoring.” .

Now that he’s been disowned by SaD Council for the day let’s just hope that Cllr. Teflon is as slippery as he says he is.

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