WEE to host major event?

The Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM), Debby Karmary, has revealed that she has submitted a…

Sadgebore do their homework

BeFuddled Party local chairman and Town Councillor Banish Barracuda reported the latest developments made by the…

Resident has idea

Resident Vivian Olds took advantage of the Public Participation session at the recent Smalltown and Dullbridge…

SaD Town councillor headhunted

Following her four hour long presentation to Smalltown and Highbridge Town Council on the need to…

New surgery initiative

Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council (SaDTC) voted unanimously to accept a proposal from the Head of…

SaDTC agree that Dullbridge exists

Monday’s Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council meeting at the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for…

Squire hits out at police

After a late night session, fuelled by Mongolian Whisky, Squire Teflon took to social media to…

What’s on

At the White Elephant Enclosure. This Wednesday the WEE will be screening a film which no…

Man not-in-dress accused of corrupting children

A man notwearing a dress has been accused of corrupting the nation’s children. Drag Queen, Verdi…

Squire wins promotion

There was good news at last for Squire Teflon as it was revealed that he has…