SaD Town councillor headhunted

Following her four hour long presentation to Smalltown and Highbridge Town Council on the need to declare a Climate Emergency in the area, it has emerged that new BeFuddled Party Councillor, Patsy Knickers has been approached by members of the G7, COP26 and the United Nations asking for her help.

A spokesperson for G7 said “We were in awe of her presentation on the need for everyone to cut back on unneccessary waste and energy.

We were particularly impressed with the 94 pages of four-colour printed information, complete with graphs, Venn diagrams and pie charts – a copy of which Cllr Knickers handed outto everyone attending the meeting, as well as providing further laminated copies of additional resource material.

This seemed to us to be an excellent use of trees, electricity, printing ink and plastic.”

A COP26 spokesperson added “Cllr Knickers spoke eloquently about the need for Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council to become a net zero carbon council, and will be very interested to hear how the council plan to achieve this given that one way would be to offset the carbon emitted by planting trees.

As we are all aware, SaDTC do not have a very good track record when it comes to planting trees, as the recent failure to contribute a single tree to the Queen’s Green Canopy scheme has shown.”

“Cllr Knickers did such a good job convincing SaDTC to unanimously sign up to declaring a Climate and Ecological Emergency that we are fully confident that she can broker peace throughout the world” a United Nations representative said. “We look forward to listening to her ideas.”

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