Festive Festivities Fury Fuels Faustian Fun

The Smalltown Chamber of Trade and Smalltown Shops have given up all pretence of working together…

Royal Memories Sought

Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council are appealing for residents to scour their cupboards and attics to…

Further Festive Furore

The Smalltown Shops group are still struggling to find a pig roast for the second half…

Time Travellers spotted on lawns again

A large group of Time Travellers have pitched up on Smalltown’s Promenade Lawns for the 94th…

District Council close Smalltown beach

Regular beach walkers were horrified today to discover that Sadgebore District Council have installed measures to…

Smalltown Degeneration Scheme

SaD Council’s Town Deterioration Committee have decided to undertake further sea front maintenance under the Smalltown…

Play Pen plans progress

There was delight all round as Sadgebore District Council confirmed that work on the long-delayed new…

Further Festive Funding

During a SaD Council meeting yesterday, the Town Deterioration Committee agreed to give £1940 of further…

Witherforks Wins!

Smalltown’s Witherforks pub, The Pistorious Legs, has won the 2021 ‘Convenience of the Year’ Gold Award,…

Deterioration Committee Latest

The Smalltown Deterioration committee have decided to support financially a play concerning a local car crash.…