Witherforks Wins!

Smalltown’s Witherforks pub, The Pistorious Legs, has won the 2021 ‘Convenience of the Year’ Gold Award, despite the fact that the toilets are incredibly inconvenient.

Situated half a mile from the ‘Legs’, the toilets won against stiff competition, including The Dragon’s Breath in neighbouring Easton-under-water, where they put up a good fight by closing down prior to the judging

Pub landlady Dolly Partins told SomersetClive “We are delighted to win this award, which shows the dedication of the staff when it comes to matters of cleanliness. Of course, it helps that our toilets are so far away that no one can be bothered to visit them and, of course even if they do make the trip, they will find them locked.

It is Witherforks policy to always site our toilets as far from the pub as possible. That way our staff don’t have to bother replenishing the toilet rolls or mop around the urinals and can spend more time behind the bar, chatting to one another.”

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