Dullbridge plans ‘coup’

Traders in Dullbridge are getting ready to mount a coup to overthrow the chairman of the…

Squire hits out at police

After a late night session, fuelled by Mongolian Whisky, Squire Teflon took to social media to…

Squire wins promotion

There was good news at last for Squire Teflon as it was revealed that he has…

A new battleground

Soon to be abolished Sadgebore Council has announced a deathbed initiative for Smalltown Town Centre. Commenting…

SSSSStop Right Now. Thank you very much

. Your trusty SomersetClive reporter has been doing some digging into a matter than has caused…

Lady Brassy dictates again

Buoyed by having successfully ignored all complaints levelled at her Smalltown Shops (SS) group, regarding the…

Clearance Sale now on

Sadgebore District Council has revealed that their Clearance Sale has begun, as they prepare to merge…

Two Step plans win approval

The first meeting of the BeFuddled-controlled Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Planning and Scheming Department took…

Mistress Bones on Lady Brassy in her own words:

Following the recent fallout between Smalltown Shops supremos Mistress Bones and Lady Brassy of Easton-under-Water, we…

Mistress accuses Lady Brassy

Mistress Bones has accused her fellow Smalltown Shops (SS) Very Very Important Person and Co-Leader, Lady…