Sadgebore reveal new attraction for Smalltown

Following news that nearby Easton-under-Water will be displaying a disused oil-rig in the town in order…

District Council fleeces residents

Sadgebore District Council took advantage of a ‘bad news day’ to try to sneak out an…

Money to flush

Following a request for tenders to refurbish the toilet block in Smalltown Sadgebore District Council have…

Not very EAGER

As part of soon-to-be-abolished-Sadgebore Council’s ongoing attempts to justify its remaining existence and boost its coffers…

Sadgebore desires cash

As Sadgemore Council limps towards its extinction next year, presumably to justify its existence meanwhile, tender…

Smalltown still in the dark

Sadgebore District Council has responded to the criticism revealed in SomersetClive over the lack of lighting…

Smalltown kept in the dark

Several readers have contacted SomersetClive to complain about the state of the street lighting on Smalltown…

Battle to save lives

Angered by the thought of missing out on donations from locals and holidaymakers alike the Really…

Sadgebore Council spend a penny (or more)

Sadgebore District Council has announced that there is one day left to tender applications to renovate…