Smalltown kept in the dark

Smalltown Promenade at night.

Several readers have contacted SomersetClive to complain about the state of the street lighting on Smalltown Promenade.

“It’s a disgrace. I’ve been complaining to the council about this for three years now and nothing gets done” said one.

It’s dangerous. You can’t see where you’re going and it’s an accident waiting to happen. I have to carry a torch when I’m walking the dog and it’s very difficult to juggle a lead, torch and poo bags” said another.

Cllr. Fencesitter helpfully reminded residents that “for once this isn’t a Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council issue. The lights are the responsibility of Sadgebore District Council. They are aware of the problem and keep promising action to replace the bulbs but never seem to get round to it.”

SomersetClive contacted Sadgebore’s Department of Road Maintenance and New Things (DORMANT) to ask if they had a date when work to replace the bulbs would commence.

A spokesperson for DORMANT replied “What? Where is Smalltown? First I’ve heard of it.”

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