Not very EAGER

Proposed market.

As part of soon-to-be-abolished-Sadgebore Council’s ongoing attempts to justify its remaining existence and boost its coffers through provision of fun and games in Smalltown (but never Dullbridge) a new two week summer event has been proposed. To be known as the European Arts Gifts Edibles Revelry (EAGER), the recent Smalltown and Dulbridge (SaD) Town Council meeting stamped its feet in protest at such a plan.

Lady Penelope Brassy of Easton-under-Water made representations on behalf of the Smalltown Shops (SS):
We don’t want an event at the height of the summer season. All it will do it take away our trade. There’s no opportunity for us. It’s for too many days. The residents and visitors won’t come to our shops whilst it takes place.”

Faye Highbrow made representations on behalf of the Smalltown Chamber of Trade (SCOT):
“We don’t want an event at the height of the summer season. All it will do it take away our trade. There’s no opportunity for us. It’s for too many days. The residents and visitors won’t come to our shops whilst it takes place.”

(Yes – they really did say the same thing. Ed)

Squire Teflon was eager to state his opinion, and presumably that of Mistress Bones:

“We don’t want an event at the height of the summer season. All it will do it take away trade from the SS. There’s no opportunity for the SS. It’s for too many days. The residents and visitors won’t come to the SS whilst it takes place.”

Even Squire Teflon’s sworn Befuddled enemy for the Smalltown Posh seat at the elections to the All-New-Yet-Unimproved-Somerset-Cuonty-Council, Jock McCads, was EAGER to channel his inner Margaret Thatcher in response to the event: “No. No. No.

SomersetClive wonders whether the residents of Smalltown & Dullbridge, which SaD Town Council is meant to represent, would be EAGER for this event to take place? For once, Sadegbore over-ruling SaD Town Council, might be in the interests of locals.

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