Sadgebore reveal new attraction for Smalltown

Following news that nearby Easton-under-Water will be displaying a disused oil-rig in the town in order to attract even more visitors, Sadgebore District Council has announced that they will be bringing a rival attraction to Smalltown.

A spokesperson for Sadgebore said “We realised that the disused oil-rig in Easton-under-Water could have a devastating impact on the number of visitors to Smalltown, so we are delighted to confirm that, in conjunction with nearby Chernobyl-By-Sea, we will be installing parts of the now decommissioned Chernobyl A Station right here on the seafront in Smalltown!”

Chernobyl have agreed to donate the reactor core, control rods and steel vessel to us to display. Normally these parts are encased inside a building with solid metre thick concrete walls, but our plans will do away with that and will offer visitors the chance to get up close and personal to see how nuclear power is generated.

We are currently thinking of installing this new feature on the concrete area, opposite Mendip Manor, but we may have to do it undercover of darkness, in case the residents attempt to invoke that pesky covenant again.

We feel this attraction will prove a worthwhile alternative to Easton’s oil-rig, because ours will glow in the dark and will also save us having to install new bulbs on the lampposts at that end of the town.”

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