Mistress accuses Lady Brassy

Mistress Bones has accused her fellow Smalltown Shops (SS) Very Very Important Person and Co-Leader, Lady…

Squire goes viral

After his defenestration as supremo of Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council, Squire Teflon has immediately…

‘Love in a Smalltown’

Continuing our epic retelling of the greatest love story ever told. Soon to be turned into…

Red Ruby restaurant ready

Out-of-town shopping destination Red Ruby (formerly Pebblers) Garden Centre has announced that their newly expanded restaurant…

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye

As the new producers of popular soap opera ‘Smalltown and Dullbridge EastStreetDaleNeighbours’ take over the reins…

Further Squirdle upset

Makers of the popular online Squirdle word game admitted yesterday that they changed the word at…

Teflon offers hand of friendship

After the Illiberal Party only managed to secure seven seats on Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town…

BeFuddleds claim Victory

The BeFuddled Party followed up their success in the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council elections by gaining…

Squire Teflon injured

Squire Teflon sustained substantial injuries yesterday after being involved in an accident in Toytown, where votes…

Burning Question of the Day

Dear Councillor Fencesitter, I’m intrigued.How can Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillor, Mark Facelift, stand as a…