Great News for the WEE

It’s been confirmed today that The White Elephant Enclosure will have at least six seats filled…

The Mayor’s Christmas Message

Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Mayor has published his annual Christmas message to residents today. In what…

Knitted balls brighten up Dullbridge

Thousands of knitted balls popped up around Dullbridge over the weekend, as part of a festive…

Missing Person pops up again

Smalltown and Dullbridge Missing Person, Tim Teepee, has been spotted again – this time voting for…

Mayor’s Masquerade Ball confirmed

In his address to residents the Mayor, Mark Facelift, has confirmed that his Christmas Party will…

Mayor to address residents tonight

Smalltown and Dullbridge Mayor, Cllr Mark Facelift, will tonight give a Press Conference at 8.07pm from…

SMUG promotes cancelled event

In aa desperate attempt to drum up support for the latest event at The White Elephant…

Smalltown Shops confirm they don’t want shoppers

There’s been consternation today as the Smalltown Shops (SS) have decided to promote an out of…

🌲🤢🎄🤢🌲🤢🌲Competition Time

The Smalltown Shops (SS) invite you to take part in its new for this year annual…

Friends with Benefits

Following the shock rexpulsionation of Cllr Ellen Proves, Dullbridge Liberation Front representative for Dullbridge, from Smalltown…