Another Extraordinary Meeting of Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council is due to take place tonight…
Month: September 2023
Clive asks the questions (or tries to)
Following on from the stupendous eruption of Mount Teflon last week, which saw bile and hotheaded…
Top Secret results revealed
Recently published accounts for Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council show that so far the Top Secret…
Mystic Mick predicts
Here at SomersetClive we often ask local soothsayer and world renowned spirit botherer Mystic Mick what…
Mount Teflon erupts
The eruption of Mount Teflon, which began on Wednesday night and continued to rumble yesterday, saw…
SaD Town Council’s CRAP Festival
Given the unholy rows caused by the Holy TriniTree (Black Poplar, Mimosa and Christmas) you could…
Residents warning issued
Residents in the Smalltown Posh electorate ward are being advised to lock their doors, close their…
Festival of Nothing begins tomorrow
The All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council’s genius ‘Festival of Nothing’ will begin tomorrow and is expected to…
Just when you thought it was safe
Squire Teflon celebrated the success of his latest ploy to make the BeFuddled-controlled Smalltown and Dullbridge…
Residents rumble
Residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge have reacted with incredulity after learning that Smalltown and Dullbridge Town…