Residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge have reacted with incredulity after learning that Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council will be spending over £7,394 on two Christmas Trees for Smalltown and Dullbridge.
The SomersetClive telephone was red hot with calls from readers and we are certain there are sackfuls of letters winging their way to us, if only they weren’t stuck in the Smalltown Sorting Office.
Once again it was the BeFuddled Party Councillors who bore the brunt of the criticism as readers blasted them for spending such a huge sum of money on things that will be in place for two months before being thrown away.
Several readers were quick to point out that The George Pub has been quoted a price of £300 for their tree, which will be the centrepiece of the Smalltown Chamber of Trade’s Christmas Light Switch On Event, whilst the Town Council had been quoted over ten times that amount per tree.
Many queried if SaDTC would be so eager to spend the ginormous sums if the money came out of their own pockets, whilst several also mentioned the Cost of Living Crisis and the obscenity of spending money on throwaway trees when people had to rely on food banks to feed themselves.
Former-Councillor Fencesitter once again leapt to the defence of his beloved BeFuddleds saying “I don’t know why the businesses in Smalltown and Dullbridge expect the Town Council to provide a tree. In other towns the businesses get together and organise their own tree. I don’t know why that doesn’t happen here.”
Former-Councillor Fencesitter has obviously forgotten that pre-2018 the Christmas Tree and lights were organised by the Smalltown Chamber of Trade and only funded by the Town Council. The tree was sited outside the George Public House, with the landlord paying for the electricity to power the lights. This arrangement changed after Squire Teflon’s close-friend and employer, Mistress Bones stamped her foot and demanded the tree be moved to the Jetty Street end of Main Street to fill the space left by the demise of her World Record Breaking Olympic Sized Swimming Pool and Ice Rink.
Once again residents blamed the BeFuddleds fairly and squarely for the debacle, with many saying they regretted voting BeFuddled and most definitely wouldn’t do it again, thank you very much. Other words used to describe the SaD Councillors were ‘idiots’, ‘fools’, ‘imbeciles’, ‘deluded’ and several others that we can’t print because this is a family publication and we’ve been told off for being ‘smutty’*.
The Christmas Tree criticism, coming so close to the previous Trees in Wheelie Bins criticism, which followed the criticism levelled at Dictator Dullard after she unilaterally decreed that the ‘Dangerous Tree’ on the corner of Vicarage and Barrow Road should be chopped down, looks to be turning this year into ‘2023 – the year the BeFuddleds fell, thanks to a Tree’.
(* We may be smutty, but at least we aren’t f@£&ing deluded a#%?wipe, s4!+ 4 br@ins f@£&ing Bef@£&led or Illit3®@+3 ¢u^+©illor§.)