Tens of people watch performance

Tens of people visited the White Elephant Enclosure (WEE) on Saturday night to watch a musical extravaganza by leading female tribute act Cate Shush.

Ms Shush delighted a half empty auditorium with her tribute to leading female vocalists of the 1880s.

Unfortunately Councillor Fencesitter, normally a regular supporter of events at the WEE, was unable to attend because he was busy watching his newly painted garden fence panels dry, which meant the audience was short by two people.

However, Her Archbishopness of St Genesis Church in Smalltown, Karen Elderflower, did attend and said “I would imagine that the WEE Mismanagement Committee will be a bit disappointed with the attendance numbers.

I mean, I’ve seen more people attend a Sunday Service at the Smalltown Ecumenical Episcopal Community Church. And they disbanded fifty years ago, due to a shortage of congregational members.”

SomersetClive contacted the Smalltown Culture and Media Person (SCAMP) Billy Elliot to ask if the booking had increased WEE income and tripled usage in accordance with the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council Finance and Misappropriation Committee’s wishes but we were told that Mr Elliot was busy sharpening his pencils.

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