WEE – an apology

Readers have been contacting the SomersetClive office to ask if our report about the White Elephant…

Squire celebrates with erection

Squire Teflon has announced his intention to celebrate the news that the White Elephant Enclosure has…

WEE turns a profit

Thanks to the sell-out performances of the Dullbridge Festival of the Arts, held at the White…

Another one bites the dust

Following on from the resignations of the Smalltown Media and Uproar Genius (SMUG) and the Smalltown…

‘Love in a Smalltown’

The story so far…Squire Teflon has offered to help Mistress Bones with funding for her dream…

‘Mysterious’ Fire strikes Smalltown shop

Fire and ambulance services were called to Smalltown on Sunday after a fire broke out in…

BeFuddled Party publish manifesto

With the election fast approaching the Smalltown and Dullbridge BeFuddled Party are the first to publish…

‘Genius’ scheme to attract shoppers

Sadgebore District Council has come up with what they describe as a ‘genius scheme’ to bring…

‘Congratulations’ Mystic Mick

Readers of SomersetClive have rushed to congratulate local medium Mystic Mick as another of his predictions…

More desertions from SS SaDTC

Several more current Councillors have announced their intentions not to seek re-election to Smalltown and Dullbridge…