Black Friday Deals in Smalltown and Dullbridge!

With Black Friday, the day when shops and stores offer incredible bargains on things you didn’t realise you needed until they were reduced, fast approaching SomersetClive will be taking a look at some of the special offers available in Smalltown and Dullbridge.

First off the starting block to announce what they have on offer is Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council with their amazing ‘Buy One White Elephant Enclosure and Get Another One FREE!’

For the sum of £1 residents can snap up the opportunity to purchase a WEE and get a second WEE at no extra cost. Until they come to pay the bills.

(Ed – Steve, are you sure you’ve got this right? The Press Release I read said the Smalltown Culture and, Arts Manager (SCAM) was going to be trying to flog a couple of tickets by offering a paltry ten percent off. Besides, why would anyone want two White Elephant Enclosure? One is bad enough.)

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