New SaD support group

Smalltown CEO, Founder, Legend in his own Bedroom and Promoter of the failed Smalltown Pride – a Unique New Concept (SPUNC), Levi Smeller, has announced his latest plans to get his name into the media.

Speaking to anyone who would listen, Levi said “Hi guys. I want to introduce my latest venture. ‘Let’s Talk Total B*llocks’ which is a new support service for Smalltown and Dullbridge and I’m super-excited because it could well go global.

I’ve set up ‘Let’s Talk Total B*llocks’ to help everyone in the community. I will be offering counselling to anyone who needs it. Despite the fact that I have zero counselling experience or qualifications.

I.. I mean.. WE will be holding support sessions at the Porland Community Hall, where anyone can come along and Talk Total B*llocks. You’ll also be able to listen to me Talk Total B*llocks. How great is that?

I.. I mean… WE have some posters available for display and I’ve been very busy sending these out anonymously to businesses who may want to put them up in their shop windows. In this way I.. I mean.. WE hope to raise awareness of the need to Talk Total B*llocks in the community.

I… I mean… WE.. would particularly like to hear from people who may have suffered violence in our community and during my.. I mean.. OUR support group sessions there will be several brief interludes to allow me to dress up in my… I mean… OUR furry costume and parade around pretending to support people dressed as ‘Biffer’ the Bare.

I… I mean.. WE have donated all my… I mean.. OUR previous furry costumes to the Porland Community Hall so that they can raise awareness in the community. These include the Camel costume which was used to promote Love Smalltown Radio, the Dinosaur costume and the two Dodo suits which were used to promote SPUNC and my most recent Duck outfit, which I was going to use for Let’s Talk Total B*llocks until I bought the Bare Costume.

This is the seventh time Levi has set up a support group, with previous incarnations including ‘Let’s Talk About Me’, ‘Let’s Talk A Bit More About Me’, ‘Let’s Talk About Me Talking About Me’, ‘Let’s Talk Me’, ‘Let’s Talk Me, Me Me, Me, Me’ and ‘Let’s Talk Total Me’.

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