Smalltown and Dullbridge to be ‘over run by trees’

The Friends of Pinnacle Park in Dullbridge yesterday revealed that they have planted 30 apple trees to commemorate Queen Victoria II’s Titanium Jubilee.

The trees will form part of the ‘Queen’s Green Canopy’, a UK wide scheme which aims to cover the entire country with trees.

November through to March is the perfect planting time for trees” said volunteer Viv Lessly, “and we are delighted to have been able to get them into the ground, where hopefully they will survive the attention of local vandals who think it’s funny to break the branches off.”

Meanwhile, Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council agreed to plant 94 trees in the area as their single community commemoration for the jubilee, however, they are yet to identify any suitable sites, so it is unlikely that these will be planted in time to celebrate. It is hoped that the trees will offset the carbon footprint caused by lighting jubilee beacons in the area, even though the trees won’t be in situ at the time

The council plan to recoup the cost of the trees by offering residents and businesses the chance to sponsor a tree. In return the names of sponsors will feature on a single sign which will be displayed prominently in the town, once a suitable site has been identified and on the assumption that the sign doesn’t go missing in the meantime.


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