Squire attacked on AceCrook

Smalltown’s Squire Teflon has been the subject of an attack on a local social media group,…

Missing Person has confidence in Monsoon

The Right Horrible Missing Person for Smalltown and Dullbridge, Tim Teepee popped up on TV today…

Move to secure votes

In what could be seen as a cynical move to gain votes in the upcoming elections,…

Cheese pairing finalists

Smalltown Cheese Festival organisers Margo and Felicity Farmhouse-Kitchener are moving away from cheese and turning to…

Clive speaks – Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillors stick two fingers up to residents

Last night, Smalltown and Dullbridge Illiberal Party councillors showed residents exactly what they think of them…

Surprise, surprise

Or not After scheduling a meeting, due to last an hour and a half, to appoint…

Smalltown kept in the dark

Several readers have contacted SomersetClive to complain about the state of the street lighting on Smalltown…

Squire seeks a promotion

Somerset-soon-to-be-obsolete-Cuonty Council needs a new Vice Chair. The vacancy is due to the resignation and departure…

SaD Town Mayor presents prizes

Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Mayor, Mark Facelift, today presented the certificates and vouchers for The White…

Battery finally replaced

Following a long-running campaign, fought valiantly by Cllr Fencesitter, the battery in the Smalltown Town Clock…