Last night, Smalltown and Dullbridge Illiberal Party councillors showed residents exactly what they think of them by co-opting a candidate to the vacant Dullbridge ward.
The vacancy arose after Dullbridge Liberation Front leader, Ellen Proves, resigned from her position last year. Formerly a member of the BeFuddled Party, Ellen had found her position untenable.
Normally, when going down the co-option route, it is considered gentlemanly behaviour to appoint a representative from the party who previously held the ward.
However, as we all know the members of the local Illiberal Party are not gentlemen and, as the party in power, they paid no attention to protocol and selected their own candidate. A candidate noone in Dullbridge would have voted for, had they been given the chance.
Of course, it’s not the first time the illiberals have done this. In 2014 they used their majority to select Cllr PennyFarthing into Dullbridge when an opposing party vacancy arose.
Is this what passes for democracy nowadays? Only in Smalltown, Dullbridge and North Korea.