Following the revelation that a consortium of land owners and developers are planning to build New…
What’s on
As the curtains close on the Dance and Drama section of the Dullbridge Eisteddfod, which saw…
Real reason TUMPS scrapped?
Rumours have been circulating in Smalltown and Dullbridge as to the real reason the decision was…
Advertorial Feature
Opening a new pizza shop?Opening a door?Opening the fridge to see what is inside?Opening a zip?Opening…
Clive Editor issues apology
Following the shock revelation that press agencies around the world issued SomersetClive with a ‘Kill Notice’…
SomersetClive killed
Press Agencies around the world issued SomersetClive with a ‘Kill Notice’ last week after it emerged…
WEE or Bust
: The Absurdity of a Town Where Everyone Works to Keep the Curtains Raised In the…
Clueless Council
In the towns of Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) the council meetings were like scenes from a…
SaDTC write off debt
Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council is becoming known far and wide across Somerset as a…
What’s on
With less than 30 of the available 80 tickets sold for the Comedy Night at the…