With less than 30 of the available 80 tickets sold for the Comedy Night at the White Elephant Enclosure, the comedians may be better off appearing in your Gran’s front room – at least they would have a chance of playing to a full house.
Down the road at Padraig Irishh’s Blitz Cinema not only can you see the latest film releases but a special treat is in store for younger members of the community – the popular preschool phenomenon Pippa Peg will be celebrating her 94th anniversary with the Pippa Peg Party. An hour long film extravaganza which is sure to delight small children.
If you’d rather hear music than the squeals of delight from children then head on down to the South West’s Premier Music Venue, The Old Jetty Inn, where Singing Landlord Tom Portman will be swinging between acute depression at the state of the pub industry and overcome with euphoria at the acts he has appearing on stage. Tonight will see cover band WortHag perform a selection of rock numbers from the 80s and 90s, whilst tomorrow night put on your normal attire of flares and tank tops and bop along to all the latest top of the popular music parade hits from the 1970s.
(P. S. You surely didn’t expect me, the great Piers Boreman, to be out on the picket line with the rest of SCANDALOUS did you? When it comes to peddling lies and engaging in cover-ups to prevent the truth from coming out, even Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council can’t hold a candle to me.)