Cyber monday sale at the WEE

In a desperate attempt to sell tickets to performances at the White Elephant Enclosure, the Smalltown…

New cleaning service preserves teflon coating

Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council are seeking to locate a new kiosk in the car park…

Councillor Fencesitter loses post

SomersetClive is saddened to report that Cllr. Fencesitter lost one of his posts over the weekend.…

Hurricane Harold causes havoc

Readers have been calling in to the SomersetClive news desk with reports of storm damage in…

Three-year road closure announced

Sussex Water has confirmed a three-year closure of a major route through Smalltown as part of…

Weather update

If you’re planning to go to the Dullbridge Light Switch On later then SomersetClive recommends that…

Budget breakdown betray bugbears

Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council has announced its Budget and your Council Tax for 2022.…

Live Clive: Dullbridge Christmas Light Switch-on

Dullbridge marked the start of the festive season yesterday and our SomersetClive reporter was there to…

Shopper terrified by ‘Green thing’

Mrs Ethel Bonkers, a regular at the Pebblers Plastic Garden Emporium, has expressed her shock after…

Council agrees Cybermen insurance

At a recent meeting of the Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Frittering and Reckless Spending committee,…