
After a set of linocut engravings emerged of a Christmas party held in the Hayloft Road…

Excavations uncover mysterious relic

Somerset Cuonty Archaelogists uncovered surprising historical remains yesterday, while excavating the site of the planned extension…

🌲🤢🎄🤢🌲🤢🌲Competition Time

The Smalltown Shops (SS) invite you to take part in its new for this year annual…

Friends with Benefits

Following the shock rexpulsionation of Cllr Ellen Proves, Dullbridge Liberation Front representative for Dullbridge, from Smalltown…

Election Fears

Fears are growing that a small number of elderly people could be seriously affected by the…

Missing Person spotted

Smalltown and Highbridge Missing Person, Tim Teepee, has been briefly spotted making a statement telling us…

Councillors still Confused

Confusion still reigns over the resignation from the Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council of Cllr Ellen…

SomersetClive Missing

Several regular readers have contacted SomersetClive to complain that their copies haven’t been delivered. The copies…

SMUG retracts previous press statement

There’s been embarrassment in the Hayloft Road palace of Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council today.…

Please Sir, I DON’T want anymore

Smalltown Shops (SS) has announced its big surprise. To the surprise of everyone its next planned…