SMUG retracts previous press statement

There’s been embarrassment in the Hayloft Road palace of Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council today.

Announcing the annual Smalltown & Dullbridge Christmas Lights competition, the Smalltown Media & Uproar Genius (SMUG) wrote that the business competition would be judged by the Smalltown Chamber of Trade (SCOT).With the annoyance of the Squire ringing loudly in the SMUG’s ear (for he shall not be denied this publicity opportunity).

A retraction was quickly issued to reinstate the Squire to what he perceives as his rightful position as judge and jury of all matters Smalltown. With the Squire’s deep and meaningful association with the Smalltown Shops (SS) group, it is expected that the winner of the competition will be a member of the SS LotsCrap group. Will it be the Mistress or will it be Lady Brassy? Or somebody else?

This story will be updated.

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