Time Travellers spotted in Smalltown again

A large group of Time Travellers have pitched up on Smalltown’s Promenade Lawns for the 94th…

WEE snub for Sir Paul

As the crowds descend on the Somerset village of Milton for the Dalstonbury Festival is has…

Desperate times

With a distinct lack of news in Smalltown and Dullbridge we’ve had to resort to trawling…

Smalltown Defence Day cancelled

A spokesberet for the Royal Smalltown Legion has confirmed that legionnaires will be off to Easton-under-Water…

SaDTC issue advice

Following the news that several of the new intake of Councillors are struggling with their new…

Smalltown run over by MAMILS

Several ambulances lined up on Smalltown Promenade on Saturday as residents gathered to watch the end…

Psychic Pstorm in a teacup

The row between Smalltown’s very own dead-person botherer, Mystic Mick and fellow spirit-lover, Haig Norris (and…

Sales of Albanian Whisky soar

Purveyors of the finest Albanian Whisky, LIDILS, are celebrating after sales of the drink rose through…

Going to POT

Problems continue to plague The Hayloft Road Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party Ex-Teachers…

‘Mythical Being’ spotted in churchyard

Residents of Smalltown have been contacting SomersetClive with reports of sightings of a ‘Mythical Being’ spotted…