Mayor’s Masquerade Ball confirmed

In his address to residents the Mayor, Mark Facelift, has confirmed that his Christmas Party will…

Mayor to address residents tonight

Smalltown and Dullbridge Mayor, Cllr Mark Facelift, will tonight give a Press Conference at 8.07pm from…

Squire Teflon launches new Dating App

Always on the lookout for new and interesting ideas to put Smalltown and Dullbridge on the…

Smalltown Shops confirm they don’t want shoppers

There’s been consternation today as the Smalltown Shops (SS) have decided to promote an out of…

Motorway speeder receives lenient sentence

Bigston Clown Court heard today that Mr Austin Rover, aged 56 of Blinghampton, Essex was recorded…


After a set of linocut engravings emerged of a Christmas party held in the Hayloft Road…

Loud Bangs heard

Several residents reported hearing loud bangs in the Smalltown and Dullbridge area last night and armchair…

Experts called-in to consider ‘Schrödinger’s Councillor’

In a shock move, Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council have agreed to secure the services of…

Friends with Benefits

Following the shock rexpulsionation of Cllr Ellen Proves, Dullbridge Liberation Front representative for Dullbridge, from Smalltown…

Election Fears

Fears are growing that a small number of elderly people could be seriously affected by the…