Festive Festivities Fury Fuels Faustian Fun

The Smalltown Chamber of Trade and Smalltown Shops have given up all pretence of working together…

Further Festive Furore

The Smalltown Shops group are still struggling to find a pig roast for the second half…

Pig Providers Cancel

As preparations heat up for Ignite Smalltown tomorrow, Smalltown Shops have confirmed that they are once…

Smalltown Seasonal Spat hits Social media

A spat has broken out on social media website Twatter between the Smalltown Media and Uproar…

Ignite Smalltown

An Advertorial Feature SomersetClive is the preferred Media Partner for Ignite Smalltown and our reporters will…

Will the REAL Father Christmas please stand up?

Sources have revealed to SomersetClive that Smalltown will be playing host to not one, but TWO…

Feudal Festive Falling-out Flares

SaD Town Council’s victimisation of Elizabeth Street continues in the run up to this Saturday’s World…

Dullbridge Christmas Light Switch on

Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council told a man, who told his wife, who told her sister,…

Festival of Woke announced

Just down the road from Smalltown and Dullbridge, the town of Fridgepond have announced that their…

Further Festive Fury

The landlord of Smalltown’s George Inn has become involved in the latest round of festive fury,…