A spat has broken out on social media website Twatter between the Smalltown Media and Uproar Genius (SMUG) and a well-known upstanding Smalltown resident who is understood to be rather cynical about the Smalltown Shops (SS) group.
The exchange follows consternation from the Smalltown Chamber of Trade (SCOT) that Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council’s social media publicity machine is providing only information pumped out by the SS concerning this weekend’s Grand Smalltown Levelling Down Ignition BEST Festive Spectacular.
Commenting, the puppet leader of the SS, Lady Penelope Brazen-Brassy of Easton-under-Water, said: “Our wonderful event has been pulled off with only eight hours planning. We still don’t know how we are going to cover the electric cables in Main Street, failed to steal SCOT’s pig, and are employing security to keep folk away, but it’s still the best grant spend that SaD Town Council has ever made.”.
(Editor: even better than the WEE?)
“It’s an unfounded rumour that my strings are being pulled by Squire Teflon and his illiberal colleagues. Of course the SS is working closely with SCOT and hasn’t timetabled all its activities to overlap deliberately. It’s purely a coincidence.“
Not having the ability to know when to shut up, Lady BB continued: “It was after all Squire Teflon, on behalf of SaD Town Council, who encouraged the SS to empty the long standing Smalltown Annual Christmas Kracker (SACK) to fund the event due to the fact that Squire Teflon has never been able to penetrate the apolitical SCOT.”
Presumably realising that her mouth had run away from her again, at this point the line to SomersetClive’s reporter went dead from Lady Brassy.
At the time of going to press SomersetClive had no explanation for the Lady’s comments about the Squire.
This story will be updated.