Former-Councillor Fencesitter explains the budget

Former-Councillor Fencesitter has mounted a one-man campaign to defend his beloved BeFuddleds against criticism from Smalltown…

Former-Councillor Fencesitter explains

Good Night, SomersetKnive readers. Today I want to talk to you about…now what was it again?…

What have the BeFuddleds done for you?

Following on from our in depth and searching article earlier this week when we tried to…

Ex-Councillor Fencesitter explains…

I have been contacted by several residents asking me why Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council…

Ex-Councillor Fencesitter Explains

The Town Bored. Quite frankly, the idea of a Town Bored is ridiculous and unnecessary –…

Former Cllr Fencesitter explains… MEETINGS

Former Smalltown and Dullbridge Town and Sadgebore District Councillor Fencesitter has recently taken to AceCrook to…

Three ways to lose money

SomersetClive’s White Elephant Enclosure expert Councillor Fencesitter explains the three easiest ways to guarantee a loss…

Ex-Councillor Fencesitter wades in on WEE

As the Godfather of the BeFuddled Party in Smalltown and Dullbridge, (Yes, you’ve all got me…

Fencesitter speaks out on the WEE

Yesterday I read with interest the article in SomersetClive which featured an interview with theatre and…

Saving the world one cup of tea at a time

Since leaving Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council I have found myself with a lot of time…