The Town Bored.
Quite frankly, the idea of a Town Bored is ridiculous and unnecessary – inviting local people to take part in discussions about the future of our town could easily lead to anarchy. It is the job of Councillors to make decisions about the future of our town and these Councillors do not need any help from anyone else.
Local people go to the polls to vote for the people they think will best represent their views and it is the responsibility of those duly elected to do what they think is best.
Councillors in Smalltown and Dullbridge have done a great job over the years to make the towns into what they are now and we don’t want all that work undone by the masses.
When I was a Councillor I produced the Neighbourhood Flan What I Wrote, all on my own with absolutely no input from residents, businesses or so-called ‘retail experts’ and the Neighbourhood Flan What I Wrote contains my vision for the future of Smalltown. It doesn’t need any further discussion.
Of course, there will always be some people who think they could have done a better job of writing the Neighbourhood Flan What I Wrote than I did and these people are always quick to criticise. I call these people ‘Keyboard Warriors’ their opinion is just that – an opinion. Their views, ideas and opinions do not count for anything and it is best to ignore them.
We really shouldn’t be encouraging these people to get involved sharing their opinions and ideas. They do not have any experience of being Councillors and in matters such as this they should leave it to the professionals – the Councillors.
This idea of a Town Board seems to be an attempt to encourage these Keyboard Warriors to share their thoughts, I am afraid that I really think this will be a pointless exercise. If the Keyboard Warriors genuinely want to make a difference they should put their money where their mouths are and stand for election. Then they could be Councillors and their opinions would count.
All-in-all I would urge the Uneconomic Development team at the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council to drop this proposal now, having unelected types interfering in Council business is a recipe for disaster.
That being said it is quite possible that a Town Bored could come up with some new ideas to improve Smalltown and I would urge my fellow BeFuddled Party members to listen to those ideas with a view to stealing the best ones and then claiming them for ourselves. A new Town Bored could Inject some new blood into Smalltown and I’m really pleased that I suggested one should be formed.