Despite Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council’s best attempts to keep it quiet by not sending out a Press Release giving details, nor mentioning it on the SaD website, the Annual Towns Meeting for Smalltown and Dullbridge, which is open to all residents of the parish, will take place tomorrow

The meeting kicks off at 7 pm and will be held at the White Elephant Enclosure, where it is hoped that all Councillors and their families will attend and will be counted three times to boost visitor numbers.

The Annual Towns Meeting will be an opportunity for SaDTC to detail all the “wonderful work we have done around Smalltown and Dullbridge” and it is therefore expected that the meeting will last approximately five minutes.

Residents of the Parish will also be able to ask questions and give their opinions, however the Smalltown Administration Guru, Katie Global, has once again asked that residents submit their questions in advance in order to enable Councillors to prepare their answers and to prevent any unpleasant surprises – however it should be noted that this is not necessary and residents are free to ask any questions they want during the meeting as pre notification is not compulsory.

The meeting comes after a second year of BeFuddled Party being in control of SaD Town Council, and recent decisions have included agreeing to purchase the World’s Most Expensive Christmas Trees, spending money to run Dictator Dullard’s poorly-attended Climate Rescue Action Plan (CRAP) Festival and increasing Council Tax by the highest rise in history to continue paying for the failing White Elephant Enclosure.

At last year’s meeting several residents complained that they had only discovered by chance that the meeting was being held and suggested that SaD TC should publicise future events more widely. Instead Deputy Dictator Cruella Sherry has included the Annual Towns Meeting on her ‘Top Secret’ list. Despite this SomersetClive hopes that as many residents as possible will turn up to share their opinions.

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