SaD Councillor confirms news

Finally released from his stint in the SomersetClive stationery cupboard, where he spent the duration of his work experience fortnight, Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillor Robb Apprentice-Candlestick Maker has confirmed that he’s been writing an article.

Cllr Apprentice-Candlestick Maker said “I myself and me am very excited to tell you that I personally have submitted an essay to the Somerset Flattener and the editor has agreed to publish it sometime in the future.

The essay I myself personally submitted was based on the 94 page report I personally submitted to SaD Town Council last November on the subject of ‘Homelessness in Smalltown and Dullbridge – What it is, Where it is, Why it is, How it is, Which it is, Who it is, Why it is, Whether it is and When it is.’

Dictator Dullard said at the time that she thought my essay was “quite good” and gave me a gold star, so I personally felt that it deserves a wider audience.

The Editor of SomersetClive refused to publish it in its entirety, but the Somerset Flattener Editor has said that he will only need to cut about 93 and a half pages from it to make it suitable for publication.

I myself am personally very excited about this. And I know my mum is too.”

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