Mystic Mick’s March Musings

Smalltown’s only omnipresent psychic takes another look at his past predictions for 2023. MarchTown Mayor and…

Latest WEE figures – part two

The recent Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee meeting saw Councillors discuss…

Mystic Mick looks back again

Smalltown’s foremost and favourite phantasmagorical person, Mystic Mick takes a break from looking into the future…

Latest WEE figures released

The latest user and attendance figures for the White Elephant Enclosure have been released and once…

Travellers thwarted

A large group of Time Travellers who tried to pitch up in Smalltown yesterday evening found…

Mystic Mick looks back

Way back in January Smalltown’s foremost Physiotherapist and Oracle Mystic Mick gave SomersetClive readers his predictions…


SomersetClive is currently experiencing problems due to a problem with sins flooding the server. Or some…

Real reason revealed

Former UK Prime Minister Horace Monsoon shocked the nation on Friday when he announced that he…

Pizza purveyor promotes product

One of the many, many, many pizza providers in Smalltown has announced that it will be…

SomersetClive issues apology

SomersetClive would like to issue an apology to all our readers. We have come into the…