Dullbridge businesses step in to help

Two Dullbridge businesses have teamed up to support the Dullbridge War Memorial Trust in their fundraising efforts.

Maytree Upholstery and Baiseys Bakery have organised a raffle, with tickets being sold to raise the money needed to pay the inflated bill for grass cutting at Northwell House and Gardens by Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council.

Karen Bead, a Trustee of the Trust said “We are so grateful for this very kind offer to help us raise funds. The prize is a specially upholstered throne and we are hoping that this will appeal to Dictator Dullard and that she will buy a shed-load of tickets.

Who knows, we could even see a raffle ticket war break out between Dictator Dullard and Squire Teflon, as I understand be is desperate to get his hands on a chair – any chair – after losing all of his last year.

Either way, this money will come in very useful to help us raise the money needed to ensure we can help SaDTC profit from the Trust.”

Raffle tickets are available from both businesses in the town, but anyone wishing to purchase one is advised to be quick, before Dictator Dullard and Squire Teflon take the lot.

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