New shops to take on SS stalwarts

Husband and wife team Pepsi and Shirley Penguin look set to take on Mistress Bones and Lady Brassy of Easton-under-Water, as the couple announced their plan to open two new shops on Smalltown seafront.

Barry told SomersetClive “We have taken over two shop units on the seafront and plan to convert one into a new Tat shop, selling all the cheap plastic stuff holidaymakers deem essential for a day at the seaside.

The second unit will see my wife offer lots of sparkly things for sale – the sort of sparkly things that you don’t know you need until you see them sparkle.”

Mistress Bones declared herself to be ‘miffed’ at the news saying “This town barely supports one tat shop. I can’t imagine why anyone would want to open another one. Especially one that’s just around the corner from an existing Tat shop.

Why couldn’t they open a couple of cafes? Smalltown is crying out for cafes.

Unfortunately on this occasion Squire Teflon has been unable to stop this blatant overdevelopment of the seafront, but these two people will be banned from joining the Smalltown Shops (SS) group.

Lady Brassy confirmed the move saying “I am in total, total, total agreement with Mistress Bones. We don’t need shops like this competing with our existing shops. It’s a good job I’ve moved on to flogging off my old clothes in my own shop, because if I was relying solely on selling sparkly things I’d be really, really, really vexed.”

Mr and Mrs Penguin are currently refurbishing both premises, which previously sold food goods, and hope to be open in time for Easter.

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