Business Tycoon incredulous

Respected Smalltown business tycoon and Squire Teflon’s arch-nemesis Lex Turkey has expressed his incredulity at Squire…

SaD Mayor expresses disappointment at disappointment

Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Mayor and Headmistress Cllr Kelsey Dullard said that she was “disappointed” that…

Squire Teflon continues scaremongering

Squire Teflon and his close-friend and employer Mistress Bones have taken the Squire’s scaremongering ‘Save my…

Councillors react to RIDBID failure

Yesterday’s announcement that the application for funding to level Dullbridge had failed led to disappointment amongst…

Cafe to hold English Nationalist afternoon

Mosley’s Cafe in Smalltown Main Street will be holding a unique English history and heritage afternoon…


Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council has finally got around to advertising for a new Smalltown…

RID Bid fails

The Government has confirmed today that the application by Sadgebore District Council for money to improve…

Weather warning

The Department of Wind and Precipitation has issued a warning to Smalltown and Dullbridge residents. Residents…

S&M to close?

Rurnours are circulating in Smalltown that popular cheap store S&M, which operates from a prime position…

SomersetClive contributor issues apology

SomersetClive contributor Jezza Barksome has issued an apology to Squire Teflon’s close-friend and employer Mistress Bones…