Business Bacon TODAY!

Businessman eating a bacon roll (stock photo)

Smalltown Chamber of Trade (SCOT) are holding a ‘Business Bacon’ at the Blitz Social Club this morning to outline the plans for this year’s Christmas Lights Switch On in Smalltown.

This year SCOT will once again be working with the Smalltown Shops (SS) group to host the event – working together in harmony with absolutely no sign of any rivalry between the two organisations.

The event, provisionally titled ‘The Greatest Christmas Light Switch On Ever in Smalltown with Trees, Snow, Parades, Santas, Tinsel, Baubles, Ice, Free Cake, Squire Teflon and Lights Topped Off with Bells’ recently gained financial assistance from Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council at the Town Unimprovements Committee Meeting.

During the meeting Squire Teflon managed to pull the wool over the eyes of the BeFuddled Party Councillors by convincing them that he was nothing to do with either organisation and it was agreed that he would represent the council to work with the joint group.

This was despite his long standing links to the SS via his close friend and stalwart of the group, Mistress Bones.

All local shop traders have been invited to the meeting, where a bacon bap and hot drink will be available to participants for £2.00. Which is probably a better deal than the £2.00 sausage in a bun and cold drink offer for children available at the White Elephant Enclosure.

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